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The From The Earth Purple Seamoss Gel Mask is made with Jamaican Purple Seamoss, Burdock root, Mediterranean Clay, Bentonite clay and more.


Burdock root is packed with antioxidants which help to protect the body and skin against free radicals. Also, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the root can help with eczema, acne, psoriasis and more.


The high content of Sulfur in Seamoss can decrease the excessive production of sebum (oil) the skin produces. Producing too much sebum causing clogged pores and acne. With its antibacterial effect on acne it can help reduce the severity of acne and other skin conditions. It's non-comedogenic and hydrating.


Also has essential oils like Lavender, tea tree, oil of oregano, and herbal infused grapeseed and castor oils, as well as a blended powdered mix of herbs and medicinal mushrooms.


From The Earth Purple Seamoss Gel Mask

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